Tuesday, December 02, 2008


The word love never ment so much to me.

I've loved, yes... but being loved by somebody...No..

I have always thought that it will never come my way...but it did...

Don't get me wrong families Love is always there... friends love is always there.......
But somebody loving you back sounded so absured to me that i've never thought of it anymore...
I've always thought that I have to work myself in a realationship to be loved... which makes it more absured

I've dreamt that somebody will just accept me for who I am...
Never did I expect that it will come from somebody I least expect.

"Ang sarap pala" thats the first thing that I said to myself, realizing that I've never felt that way ever...

I find myself smiling alone...
I find myself feeling high....

I just realized that it's good to love but it's better that somebody loves you back.

Yes, I am in love...
Yes, I am high...

but because I felt I am loved back...
because somebody trusted...

I now realize that I have a purpose...
I now realize that I am a person...

Thank you to you...
For making me think the other way around...

Thank you to you..
For making me my life complete...

Thank you to you..